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GO WEST - the West of North America

The south Californian metropolis Los Angeles with the famous Hollywood Boulevard and the beaches of Malibu. Along parts of Route 66 the next destinations are Death Valley and the gambling city of Las Vegas, which allures with its dreamlike scenery. In Monument Valley a whiff of the Wild West can still be felt. Famous national parks like Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Yellowstone, the biggest volcanic entity on earth, belong to the highlights of American scenery. San Francisco with its “Golden Gate” is considered to be a city with multicultural and distinctive flair. Some of the giant sequoia trees in the Redwood Forests are in parts more than 2000 years old. After a breathtaking view of the volcano of Mount St. Helens the industrial City of Seattle and Vancouver Island are the next destinations on the way north. A journey through the Rocky Mountains region is a unique experience in the cold Canadian north-west. The time of the gold rush can still be felt in various regions along the Yukon River, especially around Dawson City. The trappers way of life and Alaska’s fascinating landscapes with Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America, conclude the journey.

Los Angeles Hollywood Las Vegas Grand Canyon Monument Valley Yellowstone San Francisco Redwood Forest Rocky Mountains Grizzlies Yukon Dawson City Alaska